Attendance policy
Charans Public School considers student attendance as a very important dimension in the growth and development of its students. Teachers mark attendance on a daily basis and the principal’s office receives daily updates regarding students’ absences and tardies – excused, & unexcused. This information is reviewed with parents on a periodic basis.
Excused Absences
When a student is absent, it is the responsibility of the parent to call the school that day to give the reason for the absence. If a phone call is not made on the day of the absence, the student must bring a parent note to the school by 9:00 a.m. the next day. Absences not called in within two days will automatically change to unexcused. Parents may request a print-out of their child’s attendance by simply calling the school.
For clarification, excused absences are limited to the following:
. illness of student
. death in the family
. medical or dental appointment
. observance of religious holidays
. approved pre-arranged absence
. other reasons accepted by the principal
Pre-Arranged Absences
If an absence is planned, such as trips, or religious holidays, etc., it must be pre-arranged with the principal’s office. The student must bring a note, stating the date and reason for the absence, to the school prior to the absence.
Students arriving at school anytime after 8:25 a.m / 8:55 a.m. must check in through the principals office immediately upon arriving, (this includes break and lunch periods). Students must bring a note, signed by the parent/guardian, stating the student’s full name, reason for tardiness, probable time of arrival and date. Car trouble, missed bus, traffic jams, and oversleeping are not excused. Students who do not check in will not be excused for the classes they missed.
Students are not to leave the school grounds for any reason during the school day, (this includes break and lunch periods,) without permission from the principal’s office. The student should bring a note, signed by the parent/guardian, to the principal’s office before school. The note should include: student’s name, date, time for check-out, and reason, and a daytime phone number where the parent/guardian can be reached. The student then shows the pass to the teacher when it’s time to leave and proceeds to the front of the school to meet the parent. Students who do not check out will not be excused for the classes they missed.
Unexcused Absences/Tardies
As per the schools attendance policy, if the student accrues three or more unexcused absences during the term, the parent will be called in to the principal’s office for a discussion. The parents will be notified of the first and all succeeding unexcused absences. Make-up Work For excused absences, the parents are required to come to the school and copy the required notes and lessons for their ward. This must be scheduled with the class teacher.