The Charan’s Story

/The Charan's Story

Meet Our Students


OUR SCHOOL DEPUTY CHIEF HEADS AND THE GOVERNING COUNCIL MEMBERS A GLIMPSE INTO THEIR INDIVIDUALITY: Yeshes. P -CHIEF STUDENT GUIDE (SENIOR) Coordinating between teachers and my friends forms an important role in my duties as a Chief Student Guide. Helping the teachers organize all the events and co-ordinating with the students to ensure a smooth journey is what I aim to achieve every day whether it is in studies or in extra-curriculars. Charans is the best school in the whole world and I love being a part of it ! Tejesvi (Chief Student Guide) [...]

Meet Our Students2019-04-19T09:50:03+00:00

Being a Charanite


Our Standard 5 students describe the essential qualities of being a Charanite in their own words as A Charanite is always neat and clean (We never throw wrappers of chips or chocolates in the class- We throw it in the dustbin and respect our ayahs like our mother) A Charanite always folds his hands in front of teachers and never sits in front of our Principal Sir till he asks us to do so. A Charanite enjoys the freedom to express his opinions and thoughts in school (Sir always asks us if we are understanding all the lessons and encourages [...]

Being a Charanite2019-04-19T09:20:50+00:00

The Beginning


The history of Charans is one rich in tradition, discipline and leadership. It is a history founded on the premise that learning is not to be measured by grades alone, but by the remarkable, compassionate and socially significant lives that our students choose to live during their time with us. What started as a small nursery school of 8 students 36 years ago has now blossomed upto a strong college with a strong balance of individual achievement and a sense of social responsibility. Our school is a model of traditional education excellence and sound values in a society in search [...]

The Beginning2019-04-19T09:14:22+00:00

Contact Info

No 325, 1st Main Road, Cambridge Layout, Ulsoor, Bangalore 560008, Nearest Landmarks: Ulsoor Police Station, Sai Baba Temple- Ulsoor

Phone: 080-25576440 / 080-25574656

Web: Charan's